Iterative Systematic Replication of Read Well in First Grade (IS2RW)


Supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, the Collaboratory is working with experts in reading and special education to implement an iterative systematic replication evaluation of Read Well (RW1).

The design involves a series of planned and systematic conceptual replications to examine the effectiveness of RW1 for first graders with reading difficulties and disabilities, and the replicability of these effects over multiple, controlled sources of variation. The first series of replications employs a multi-site randomized control trial (RCT) to examine the replicability of effects across three sites with systematic differences in participant and setting characteristics by implementing RW1 under “ideal” controlled conditions (with researchers delivering the curriculum in small-group, Tier-2 settings). The second series of studies examines the replicability of effects across different implementation approaches of the intervention, with the research design depending upon findings from the first set of replication studies and advice from an external advisory board to guide the decision-making.

This innovative approach to systematic replication of results will provide foundational evidence for identifying “what works” in RW1 and “for whom” and under “what conditions” does RW1 work. Emily Solari (Principal Investigator), Vivian Wong (Co-Principal Investigator), Doris Luft Baker (Co-Principal Investigator), Catherine Richards-Tutor (Co-Principal Investigator)

See project description of IS2RW here.


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