Our Partners

The Collaboratory Replication Lab benefits from active partnerships.

Special Education Research Accelerator (SERA)

SERA is a platform for conducting research in special education with large and representative study samples across multiple research sites and researchers. The long-term vision for SERA is to develop a network of researchers along with a data collection platform for for conducting high-quality, large-scale, and open replication studies to address critical questions in the field. Read about our work here.


TeachSim for Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers

TeachSim uses a mixed reality platform to provide teacher candidates with practice opportunities and targeted feedback for learning high quality pedagogical practices. The Collaboratory Replication team works with TeachSim to design a series of systematic replication studies to understand systematic sources of variation in coaching effects. Read about our work here.


ED-SDS Collaboratory

The Ed-SDS Collaboratory was founded on the ideal that interdisciplinary collaboration can greatly enhance research outcomes. The frontiers being redefined in the field of Data Science present a unique opportunity for Education to leverage these advances to enhance research outcomes and to create a new generation of education researchers that have the ability to envision problems through a Data Science perspective. Read about our work here. Visit the website here.