Special Education Research Accelerator (SERA)

Supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, the Collaboratory is working with SERA to develop a platform and resources that will allow researchers in special education conduct crowdsourced data collection or replication efforts across diverse settings and populations. To evaluate the feasibility of this platform, SERA will pilot an intervention with 22 research partners across the United States. Research partners will use highly standardized protocols created by our team, which include instructions and supports to implement study procedures with high fidelity and to collect high-quality data.

Together with the UVA School of Data Science, we will address challenges for conducting replication studies in field settings, including addressing intervention fidelity and replicability across sites and studies, and collecting high-quality data across multiple teams of researchers. Bryan Cook (Principal Investigator), Bill Therrien (Co-Principal Investigator), Vivian Wong (Co-Principal Investigator)

See project description of SERA here.

Visit the SERA website.


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